There are a plethora of sites online to gather financial guidance and information from, yet some of the best advice comes from college students’ blogging their financial journey. The rising cost in tuition, living expenses and the challenging aftermath of graduation is a common theme for most these days, and you don’t have to be young or in college to learn from these blogs. The sites contain interesting and detailed resources for managing debt. Check out some of the best student financial bloggers sites for help in everyday struggles with finances.
Robert Farthington runs a personable and inspiring blog which grabs your attention straight from the beginning. Perhaps, it is the profiles of young millionaires which ooze courage, giving inspiration to others or it could be the articles on living frugal in a day and age where it is necessary. Whatever the draw is, his information is straight and comprehensible, dealing with everything from student loan debt to money products. Be sure to take in his investing 101 class
Stephanie gives a unique flair to financial matters with a raw and entertaining approach. The blog is easily relatable and smooth to follow. Probably the coolest part of the blog is Stephanie’s own struggle to lose almost $40,000 in debt. Her topics are wide range and untypical to some degree, which makes a reader kind of want to stick around and see what other subjects she will indulge in. Read the article about “Dumb Companies”, and see why this blog is on the list.
What started out as one man’s place to vent financial frustrations now has grown into an excellent resource blog. This site filters through profitable ideas for making extra income and saving money. In fact, this was the primary reason for the blog, because the income was never enough to satisfy the path. The blog morphed into a huge undertaking into ways to make money. Anybody can grab some applicable information from this site.
G.E. Miller is a mind blowing life hacker. His story is so personally relatable and his fierce ability to overcome the financial hollows of life is nothing short of amazing. He went from significant debt after college graduation into saving over 85% of his income in just a few years. The mentor of financial independence, he shows how to hack the spending and consumerism with a lifestyle change most people desire and long for. Learn the basics of personal finance, and grab all the energy to run with it from one of the best financial bloggers to come around.
Doug Schantz took his job description as a university financial administrator and impacted people with a blog of sincerity towards college money struggles. His notable experience comes from actually taking pleasure in navigating families through the financial aspect of their college experience. Topics about paying for college, scholarships and any other subject matter related to college expenses is laid out in a comprehensive way on the site. For those seeking scholarships, his huge scholarship database includes the links; his videos are skillful in explaining frustrating complicated processes with financial aid.
Kevin McKee’s blog is dubbed as entertainment finance, and while it is easy to see why the blog is enjoyable, the resource information is of tremendous value. He indulges the reader in investing ‘experiments’ which is appreciated by nervous investors. The blog is boosted by Kevin’s ability to pump out some pretty good videos for learning. This was not a blog entirely aimed at college students, yet it reflects widely on advice for young movers and shakers.
Four financial bloggers take control of this financial site with realistic experiences of personal finance. The variety of information presented is none the less helpful and enjoyable to pore through. The topics are what you would expect from finance blogs like getting out of student loan debt, increasing net worth, and investing for retirement. They share the good and bad episodes of financial decisions made in their lives to make the blog uniquely expressed. Individual perspectives are relevant in the financial arena, they are teaching tools of the internet. These student financial bloggers aim and hit every target in the college and life kit.