The Student Loan Scam- Book Review
“Education is life” as what J. Dewey says, that is why there are lots of programs created to help and convince people to continue education. Through education, ignorance has been eliminated. Aside from scholarship programs, student loans have been introduced to help those students who can’t afford to pursue their studies, preferably the low and middle class families. At first, student loan had been very helpful and effective. Many students have finished college and were able to land a job. Because of the successful output of this program, US were able to change the world, especially in the field of technology. Through this achievement, many students were criticized to continue to school. That was a way better before since tuition fees are very affordable. However after decades passed by, the insight of student loans has been changed. Instead of helping the less fortunate people, they are the ones who put them down. So loan companies are making student loan scam. […]