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Financial Aid for Students with Learning Disabilities

Students who have learning disabilities are perfectly capable of learning, they just learn in different ways, and this often takes them longer. In the years from Kindergarten to Grade 12, there is more time allowed to them and often more support given. Once students reach the post-secondary level, things change. They are expected to keep up and are not validated for the extra work they have to do just to stay level. The work of college begins before college begins. Even before you have graduated from high-school, you begin planning your college career. Once you choose a school and get accepted, you still have to figure out how to pay the expenses. College is rewarding, but not cheap. Now you are no longer applying to schools; now you are applying for financial aid. […]

By |February 6th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Financial Aid for Disabled Student

Going to college is a rewarding experience. Often, the more rewarding an experience is, the more costly it is. The United States, though, is filled with opportunities. Scholarships and grants are available to make higher education more affordable and available to everyone, including those with disabilities. Scholarships and grants are allotments of money given out to help students pay for college and university. They do not need to be paid back, the way student loans do. Scholarships and grants are given out on the basis of a student’s achievements, background, interests, qualities, needs, etc. Individual states participate in particular scholarship programs, so these vary from state to state. You can get information about financial aid and other resources at your school’s financial aid office, or you can do research online if you are still deciding which school to attend. […]

By |January 30th, 2014|Refinance|0 Comments