Best Consolidation Companies

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Types Of Federal Student Loans

Most people thinking about enrolling in higher education these days weren't even born when Federal Financial Aid Programs were instituted! In fact, their parents were probably not even around yet! But Federal Student Loans are a huge part of our nation’s history of higher education, and one of the big reasons the American economy was able to enjoy such a boom after World War II. The GI Bill (Serviceman’s Readjustment Act) was implemented in 1944 to provide opportunities for Veteran’s to pursue education and training – not just to increase the number of competent employees – but to later respond to the Soviet Union’s space program and the need for scientists and people with technical expertise. […]

By |August 22nd, 2013|Pay Off Student Loans|0 Comments

Planning Ahead: Graduation, Grace Periods And Loan Repayment

If you're asking yourself “how long do I have after graduating to start paying back my student loan,” you’ve got the makings of a financially solid adult. Too often graduation comes faster than anyone expects, even though it seems like it can be forever when you’ve got midterms looming in front of you. Or, outside pressures make it necessary to drop below full-time student status or take a leave of absence from school altogether. Either way, the day will come when you have to repay your student loan. […]

By |June 27th, 2013|Federal Loans|0 Comments

Federal vs Private Loan Consolidation – Which one is better

There is always the difficult choice for an undergraduate or graduate as to whether he should take out a federal loan or a private loan. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, depending on which lending company he is going with. For example, federal loans can be tax deductible, while private loans are not. Another is that federal loans can be forgiven in all or in part if the student is performing certain kinds of service, such as military service or practicing medicine in certain kinds of communities. […]

By |April 12th, 2013|Consolidation|0 Comments

10 Tips on Student Loans

Planning for college can be a daunting task for most people.  With the costs of a college education on the rise, more and more people are turning to student loans to help them cover the costs.  These loans come in several forms, but are basically broken down into two groups: federal and public loans, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.   But regardless of where the loan comes from, there are a few things to keep in mind when applying for these loans: […]

By |February 11th, 2013|Federal Loans|0 Comments

Student Loans Without a Cosigner

Every year, millions of students struggle to find ways to pay for their post-secondary educations. If you don't have a cosigner for your student loans than getting student loans will be ever harder. There are many different ways to help finance their education, and loans are one of the many options as to how to pay for school. This article will show you what your options are to pay for college if you do not have a student loan co-signer. […]

By |October 9th, 2012|Types of Loans|0 Comments