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Seven Ways to Get Student Loan Help

Student Loan Ombudsman Ombudsman=someone who is on your side trying to help with whatever problems you may have; a complaint or grievance person who, with some special training and knowledge, can get to the heart of the matter and help.For student loans, the ombudsman’s web site is incorporated into the website.  Borrowers can submit problems online. The toll-free phone number is 877-557-2575 and the fax number is 202-275-0549; the mail address is U.S. Department of Education, FSA Ombudsman, 830 First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20202-5144. […]

By |November 21st, 2013|Student Loans|0 Comments

3 Student Loan Scams to Watch Out For

Looking for a student loan? Looking to consolidate student loans? Looking for help? Peruse the internet; there are thousands of firms ready to give you money. Watch out. Here are three student loan scams to watch out for: 1) Advance Fee Plan: These guys will tell you they’ll get you the highest amount at the lowest rate. They charge you up front to get the paperwork started, and you do the paperwork. They collect their money and you’re left holding the bag; Student Loan Scam Alert. Deal only with reputable, preferably Federal funding agencies. Go to your financial aid office and check out anyone who has approached you as a student needing funds, and ask for help identifying reputable sources of student loans. Watch out; protect yourself. […]

By |November 5th, 2013|Student Loans|0 Comments

Get Student Loans in Tough Times

The economy is tough. Loans are harder to get than they once were. Major banks cut back on student loans in tough times. But that doesn’t mean student loans are off the table. It just means you may have to work a little harder.   As always, look to your financial aid office as your first stop. They will know who is lending, and where your best bet is. A Federally-funded loan is best, but the financial aid office will have access to resources for private loans as well. […]

By |October 29th, 2013|Student Loans|0 Comments