Best Consolidation Companies

See reviews of the best private student loan consolidation companies for 2015!

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Federal Direct Consolidation Loans Review

Loan consolidation can greatly simplify the costs for graduates and undergraduates by reducing multiple loan payments to one monthly payment with only one interest rate. The time period for repayment is extended, but because of an increased interest rate, the student can end up paying a lot more than each of the loans separately. However, consolidation can make payments more affordable on a monthly basis, especially for those students that have not yet found employment, which can be a daunting task in the current economy. Federal Direct Consolidation Loans can provide a variety of benefits for those wishing to have their federal loans lumped together into one lump sum. […]

By |April 5th, 2013|Consolidation|0 Comments

Sallie Mae student loan consolidation review

Figuring out how to pay for both college tuition and student loans is a problem plenty of undergraduates and graduates are struggling with, especially in this difficult economy, where less and less businesses are providing employment opportunities to recent graduates. With the increase of the number of loans students are taking out to be able to afford the costs of living associated with living at college, there is an increased opportunity for students to consolidate their loans and make it easier for them financially by making only one payment per month to cover the balance of all the other loans they have taken out. […]

By |March 29th, 2013|Consolidation|0 Comments

E-Student Loan Consolidation Review

After graduation, it is difficult for postgraduates to find employment in the competitive working world. Coupled with the increasing prices of tuition and costs associated with college life, it's becoming more burdensome for graduates and undergraduates to be able to pay for these costs without taking out multiple loans. Loan consolidation companies such as E-Student Loan Consolidation can make it easier for postgraduates to cope with the costs of students loans and their interest rates. […]

By |March 15th, 2013|Consolidation|0 Comments

7 Tips To Make The Most of Private Student Loan Consolidation

Just as the national student loan debt has risen, so has the popularity of student loan consolidation. The concept has several advantages and disadvantages. Possible benefits would be eliminating the need to juggle several different private student loans by reducing it to just one with a single lender. This benefit would apply only if you either don’t have federal student loans in addition to private ones, or you’ve been able to locate a consolidating lender who offers the consolidation of private and federal student loans together, a practice which is becoming ever more uncommon. In addition, you may be able to negotiate a lower monthly payment; you’ll only have to deal with the rules and regulations of one lender, versus having the rules and regulations of many lenders; and you might be able to lock in a lower fixed interest rate than you have on your existing loans. Also, if you should find yourself unemployed or sick, it’s easier to get leniency from a single lender than trying to work it out with multiple ones. […]

By |February 19th, 2013|Consolidation|0 Comments

Can Student Debt Consolidation Actually Help?

A debt consolidation loan can be a useful way to combine your debts and save money if you are paying off high-interest rate debt. By consolidating your debts into a loan with a lower interest rate, you can get great financial benefits. Done right, taking out a student debt consolidation loan can be a smart move. It can help you move your way out of debt. In addition, if you use a home equity loan or line of credit, the interest on a debt consolidation loan is usually tax deductible. (Be sure to check with your tax advisor.) Instead of having several credit card balances, you can combine them into one payment. Be careful, though. If you do take out a student debt consolidation loan, and then continue to run up credit card debt, you will be even worse off than you were before. […]

By |November 2nd, 2012|Consolidation|0 Comments

Wells Fargo Student Loan Consolidation Review

Wells Fargo Student Loan Consolidation Review

Wells Fargo is one of the largest student loan consolidation companies in America. Wells Fargo offers student loan consolidation for loans ranging from $5,000 to $100,000. The private student loan consolidation offering from Wells Fargo can take 45-60 days to be processed however many people have reported it taking a much shorter period of time. Wells Fargo Private Student Loan Consolidation. […]

By |October 11th, 2012|Consolidation|0 Comments

Cedar Education Consolidation Review Body

CEDAR EDUCATION CONSOLIDATION REVIEW The purpose of consolidation loans is to absorb multiple loans under the single and unified umbrella of one loan. The greatest benefit of consolidating is in the aggregation of multiple monthly payments into a single monthly payment. There is no guarantee that consolidating multiple loans into a single loan will bring down the interest payment, or safe the borrower money in the long haul, but because the old terms in all the old loans are reset, all of this becomes negotiable under the controlling terms of the new consolidated loan. […]

By |October 11th, 2012|Consolidation|0 Comments

Chase Student Loan Consolidation Review

Chase Student Loan Consolidation Review

Before consolidating student loans, a former student must determine whether they financed their education using federal loans, private loans, or a mixture of both. This conclusion may not be as easy to determine and certainly would not be determined merely by asking “whether the student received funding from Chase.” Although Chase currently only provides private loans, not too long ago they were also providing funds for federal student loans. The reason a student must determine how they financed their education is because a federal student loan and a private student loan cannot be consolidated together, but must consolidate separately. […]

By |October 11th, 2012|Consolidation|0 Comments

cu Student Loan Consolidation Review

cu Student Loan Consolidation Review

Compare the best loan consolidation rates – Here Considering which bank or credit union to team up with when you decide to consolidate your loans is a big decision and one you must make with careful thought and consideration. Cu Student Loan Consolidation is a credit union that offers students, or former students, an opportunity to place all of their private student loans under the umbrella of a single loan. […]

By |October 11th, 2012|Consolidation|0 Comments

Next Student Loan Consolidation Review

NEXT STUDENT LOAN CONSOLIDATION REVIEW When a student searches for the best deal on student loans, it should require a great deal of investigative power, because it may not always be easy to ascertain the best student loan available until a person first understand, at least the basic understanding, of different varieties of student loans that exist. This type of broadening knowledge will help narrow the pool of possibilities down for any potential borrower looking to make a wise investment on their future. […]

By |October 11th, 2012|Consolidation|0 Comments