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Student Loan News – February 21, 2014

Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday February 21, 2014 Student Loan News:  1. Rising student-loan debt is stopping first-timers from buying homes:  Is your student debt preventing you from buying a house? Sales to first-time home buyers remain depressed, a new Washington Post article notes, directing some blame at student loans. Many young people are graduating with higher debts than earlier generations while stricter lending standards have made it harder to get a mortgage. […]

By |February 21st, 2014|Weekly Resources|0 Comments

Student Loan News – February 07, 2014

Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday February 07, 2014 Student Loan News: 1. Student loan refinancing bill draws packed hearing, questions about its effectiveness: A Democratic bill to help ease the budget crunch for three-quarters of a million student loan borrowers drew a packed house at a Wednesday legislative hearing, with a doctor and aspiring lawyer speaking in favor and some industry professionals saying the bill needs changes to reach its intended goals. […]

By |February 7th, 2014|Weekly Resources|0 Comments

Student Loan News – January 17, 2014

Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday January 17, 2014 Student Loan News: 1. Fed Student-Loan Focus Shows Recognition of Growth Risk:  Tiffany Roberson works for the state of Texas as a parole officer, teaches part time and is living with her parents after finishing a master’s degree. She’s held off marrying her boyfriend of four years and starting a family because she owes more than $170,000 in federal and private student loans. […]

By |January 17th, 2014|Weekly Resources|0 Comments

Student Loan News – December 27, 2013

Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday December 27, 2013 Student Loan News: 1. You Can Still Save for Retirement When You Have Student Loans:  If you have student loans, you already know they can be overwhelming. But as any responsible spender knows, they aren’t the only demand on your budget. […]

By |December 27th, 2013|Weekly Resources|0 Comments

Student Loan News – December 20, 2013

Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday December 20, 2013 Student Loan News: 1. Student Loan Bill of Rights:  In the aftermath of a recent report that found the lack of student loan servicing standards and information on monies owed, two U.S. Senators will work as a team to create a Student Loan Borrower Bill of Rights. […]

By |December 20th, 2013|Weekly Resources|0 Comments

Student Loan News – December 06, 2013

Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday December 06, 2013 Student Loan News: 1. Durbin pushing bill to ease struggle of repaying private student loans:  U. S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said Tuesday he is introducing a bill when the Senate convenes next week to protect students from getting overwhelmed by private-loan payments that grow out of control without explanation. […]

By |December 6th, 2013|Weekly Resources|0 Comments

Student Loan News – November 29, 2013

Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday November 29, 2013 Student Loan News: 1. No wonder people aren't paying back their student loans:  About this time last year I did a good, honest and potentially rather stupid thing: I phoned up the Student Loans Company, and told them where I was. In light of the revelation that 368,000 former students owing a total of £5bn are “at large”, their whereabouts unknown, I'm starting to think this was something of a mistake. […]

By |November 29th, 2013|Weekly Resources|0 Comments

Student Loan News – November 15, 2013

Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday November 15, 2013 Student Loan News: 1. From Start To Finish, The Student Loan Industry Is In Need Of Massive Overhaul:  Student loan debt in the U.S. has passed the $1 trillion mark while the cost of an education continues to outpace inflation, meaning tomorrow’s students will need to take on even more debt than the millions of graduates who already owe money. A new report from our coworkers at Consumers Union shows just how screwed up and unbalanced the student loan system is at every step of the way. […]

By |November 15th, 2013|Weekly Resources|0 Comments

Student Loan News – November 08, 2013

Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday November 08, 2013 Student Loan News: 1. Focus on Better Student Loans:  Too much attention is paid to scholarships for people who are already on a path to college, and not enough is given to improving student loans and preparing younger students for college. […]

By |November 8th, 2013|Weekly Resources|0 Comments

Student Loan News – November 01, 2013

Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday November 01, 2013 Student Loan News:  1.It's Official: Student Loan Debt Is Hurting the Economy Most people know that the current $1.1 trillion in student loan debt weighs heavily upon the shoulders of college graduates, but how does it affect the greater economy? The notion that onerous college debt could be affecting the housing market isn't new, but the issue has been front and center lately, as Obama administration officials note the injurious effect that heavy student debt is levying on the economy. […]

By |November 1st, 2013|Weekly Resources|0 Comments