Student Loan News – September 27, 2013
Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday September 27, 2013 Student Loan News: 1. U.S. to Contact Borrowers With New Options for Repaying Student Loans: When President Obama last month announced proposals to make college more affordable, many critics focused on his plan to rate colleges based on measures like tuition, graduation rates, and the debt and earnings of graduates, and eventually to link financial aid to those ratings. […]
Student Loan News – September 20, 2013
Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday September 27, 2013 Student Loan News: 1. Trillion-Dollar Student Loan Fiasco to Force Our Next Debt Crisis? Last week I wrote about how auto loans have reached their highest level since the third quarter of 2007 and how easy access to these loans was pushing car sales higher. Yes, ballooning auto loans are a problem, but there is a bigger ticking debt time bomb… […]
Student Loan News – September 6, 2013
Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans… For the week ending Friday September 6, 2013 Student Loan News: 1. Parents face the student loan double whammy: At age 51, Charlene Rose had hoped to be socking away money for retirement by now. But instead, she's still paying off her student loans, largely for a master's degree she got to advance her career. And now she's got three kids in college, each of whom is taking out student loans of their own to pay for higher education. […]