For single mothers wishing to get the benefits of a college education many financial scholarships exist. The first step through the higher learning door is to visit the financial aid office of the school you will be attending. The financial aid office staff is a treasure trunk of viable resources for aid. There are usually boards around the office which display wide amounts of scholarships to apply for.

The biggest help in going to college with aid is the FAFSA application. This puts together a financial aid package for you with government grants and loans. Fill out a FAFSA form here. Once you have talked to the financial aid office and submitted your FAFSA, your next step is seeking out scholarships to add to that financial aid package. Here are some really good single mother scholarships.

1. The Jeanette Rankin Foundation

This scholarship program has been around for awhile and offers different award amounts. The foundation’s mission statement is to ‘break the cycle of poverty’. They are great supporters of women and families, encouraging women to get an education.

    • must be a woman, age 35 or older
    • must be low income
    • pursuing a technical, vocational, associate’s degree, or first bachelors degree
    • citizen of the US
    • accepted to ACICS regionally accredited school

To see the full set of qualifications and apply you can visit their website here.

2. American Association of University Women (AAUW)

Generous grants are given to women with financial hardship through this organization. They have a variety of grants and fellowship programs available. The list is as follows:

    • American Fellowships
    • Career Development Grants
    • Community Action Grants
    • International Fellowships
    • International Project Grants
    • Selected Professions Fellowships

You can visit their website here. You will be able to access the grants and application process.

3. Talbot Scholarship Program

The Talbot Scholarship program offers awards within the range of $1,000 to $10,000. Eligibility is based on financial hardship. This foundation has distributed over $1.6 million in scholarships.

    • Minimum of 27 years of age
    • Out of school for at least 10 years

To access the application, you can visit here.

4. Soroptimist Women’s Opportunity

Award amounts vary from $3,000, $5,000 and $10,000. Qualifications are as follows. This is one of the very best scholarships opportunities available.

    • Must be woman who provides primary financial support for her dependents
    • Must be in financial need
    • Must have not have previously been awarded through the organization
    • Must be enrolled in a skills program or an undergraduate degree

Fill out an application right here.

5. Women's Independence Scholarship Program (WISP)

This special scholarship is meant to help women involved in domestic violence by assisting her with a secondary education. To be eligible:

    • A victim of domestic violence and been separated from abuser for minimum of 1 year
    • Demonstrate a critical need for assistance
    • Being a mother is not required

Find out more here.

6. Emerge Scholarships

Emerge offers scholarships to women in the amount of $2,000 – $5,000 dollars. They have a detailed list of qualifications, but here are a few basics:

    • Must be at least 25 years old
    • Must be enrolled in a continuing education program
    • Must fill out the application and essay form

To view the complete list of qualifications and apply for this scholarship, you can visit Emerge Scholarships Website.

7. The Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation

This organization awards five single mothers each school year with a $3,000 scholarship. Here are the qualifications:

    • Must be a women, at least 17 years old
    • Must be a mom, must have minor children
    • Must be enrolled in a degree program, obtaining a GED, or skills/vocational program
    • Must be low income

Read the full list of qualifications and apply here.

8. Linda Miller Scholarships

Linda Miller, a well-known author, has funded more than $100,000 in scholarships to women since 2001. Here is an overview of the qualifications.

    • Must be a woman age 25 or older
    • Must be enrolled in a continuing education program
    • Must be a US or Canada citizen
    • Must complete essay

Fill out the application at Linda’s website here.

9. SR Education Group

The SR Education Group is awarding one single parent a $2,000 dollar scholarship. The finalist is chosen based on 3 open-ended questions. Find the application here.

10. Online Colleges Single Parent Scholarship is now offering a $10,000 scholarship for single parents. Here is the list of qualifications:

    • Enrolled in an accredited post secondary school
    • Participating in an online degree
    • Must be a single parent
    • Must receive some type of financial aid

To view the complete list of qualifications and application you can view their website here.