Student loan debt has become a massive problem. Student loan debt affects more than 40 million individuals, 2 out of 3 college graduates leaves school with an average of $30,000 in debt, and the debt is unforgivable in bankruptcy!
That’s enough to overwhelm almost anyone, but I’m here to share some surprising ways you can take control over your student loan debt and get rid of it ASAP. In my role leading Gradible, a platform to help people pay back student loans faster, I’ve seen all sorts of creative and interesting ways to pay down your student loan debt, and wanted to share them with you.
Make Your Car a Profit Machine
- Relay Rides: You can earn extra cash to put toward student debt by renting your car out on RelayRides. After you list it, those who want an affordable rental can scoop your car from your house, you can deliver it, or park it at an airport near by.
Earn Direct Student Loan Payments Online
- Gradible: Gradible is a platform that provides multiple online earning opportunities that go directly to your student debt. Full disclosure 2x - I started the company, so I’ve got skin in the game, but I really believe it’s an awesome option in addition to the others listed because you can do our tasks whenever you have free time - on your lunch break, at home watching TV, or on a lazy weekend. Check it out!
Test Apps and Websites
- TryMyUI - Get paid to test mobile apps and websites and give your feedback about how they operate. If you have a computer and good internet connection, you can join this site and get paid for giving your opinions about the products.
There are more traditional ways to pay down your student loan debt faster, like a good old fashioned weekend bar or restaurant job, but I wanted to share some surprising and lesser known ways that can make your monthly student loan payments easier to manage. Let us know other ways you’ve managed your debt, we’re all ears!