Certain scholarships are set aside especially for female students. Researching what is available and following up on every possibility of financial aid is worthwhile. The less debt you carry as a student, the easier your academic career will be. You will be less stressed and more able to focus on your studies knowing that you will have less student loan debt to deal with when you get out of school. It is also encouraging and inciting to know that there are people who want you to succeed; people who are putting dollars behind the desire to help you achieve your goals.
- Each year, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) provides millions of dollars in funding and grants to non-profit organizations and women pursuing higher education.
The Career Development Grant is awarded annually and is worth from $2,000 to $12,000. Women who already have a bachelor degree but want to progress in their careers, change careers, or are re-entering the work force can apply for this grant. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
International Fellowships are given to women who are not U.S. citizens but are studying or researching full-time in the United States. Up to 63 awards are presented and five of these awards can be renewed for a second year. Amounts range from $18,000 to $30,000. Academic achievement and dedication to other women and girls are qualifications.
American Fellowships are available to U.S. citizens in amounts from $6,000 to $20,000. These grants are given to women scholars as Dissertation Fellowships, Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowships, and Summer/Short Term Research Publication Grants.
- The Women’s Independence Scholarship Program (WISP) is available to women who have survived intimate partner abuse and have financial need. The women must have been separated from their abusive partner for at least one year and have used the services provided by a domestic violence agency for six continuous months. This is a “crisis situation” scholarship, which focuses on single mothers with young children. Since scholarships are based on need, amounts assigned vary, but an average amount is $2,000 per term.
Each woman also needs to have a personal sponsor. The sponsors help by supporting and encouraging these previously battered women as they work toward becoming stable and independent.
- The Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation offers five $3,000 Education Support Awards to support women who have children and are working toward more education or training. These women must have low income, children who are minors, and be at least 17-years-old.
- Low-income women who are older than 35 are eligible for the Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship. Assistance is given based on need, so amounts vary, as do the amount of scholarships given out. Up to 87 grants are awarded each year, and the average grant amount is $2,000. Some are renewable.
- The Betty Rendel Scholarship awards three $1,000 scholarships each year to female undergraduate students who have completed two or more years of school. These scholarships are available through the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) and are intended for women pursuing studies in political science, government, or economics.
Women from across the nation may apply, but applications are sent to the state office, and the state president selects only one applicant from their state to send in. Three final winners are selected from these applications.
- The Miss America Scholarship Fund gives young women the opportunity to use their talent and intelligence to pursue careers through education. Young women aged 17 to 24 compete in the Miss America program and 12,000 of them receive awards. Award amounts range from $2,000 to $50,000. Over 45 million dollars are awarded through this organization each year.
Miss America Scholar is a $1,000 award given to one woman from each state who shows academic achievement.
Miss America Community Service Scholarships are $1,000 scholarships given to women from each state who show an ambition for community service.
The Miss America Pageant awards scholarships from $3,000 to $50,000. The pageant winner, who becomes Miss America of the year, is awarded a $50,000 scholarship. The 1st runner up receives $25,000; 2nd runner up- $20,000; 3rd runner up- $15,000; and the 4th runner up- $10,000. The top ten semi-finalists each receive $7,000 and the non finalists are each given $3,000. There are additional awards given out on top of these as well.
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