Putting into consideration the enormous expenses that are associated with higher education, some people apply for a student loan to cater for the college studies. Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation is one of the loan providers in United States, which is among the country’s largest loan companies.

Apart from giving loans, the Great Lakes offer grants to individuals who are qualified and wish to pursue higher education. The company works with loan borrowers, lenders, schools and community organizations to assist in settling of college expenses and giving operational, financial and educational support to their clients. In addition, the Great Lakes has been accredited since July 6, 2012 by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). The BBB has the determination of meeting the company’s accreditation standards such as a strong commitment that will resolve complaints by the consumer and issues encountered by the borrower of the loan.

Great Lakes Student Loan

Great Lakes Student Loan

Great Lakes Student Loan Key Features

William E. Elliott in the year 1938 established the Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation to present a chance to clients and enable them meet their financial needs by taking out a loan at a much lower rate of interest. Prior to the establishment of the story, there was no existence of any other financial institutions in the area. Currently the company is regarded as the largest provider of loans in United States.

In case you are having an existing Great Lakes student loan, you’ll require to use certain techniques to handle efficiently your financial obligations. For example, signing up for access of your personal account at the My Great Lakes Student Loan website.

By so doing, you’ll easily access your loan’s relevant details. When you have fully completed the process of sign up, you can quickly log into the site as you wish. Therefore, you can easily check on your loan details including the repayment options that you can choose.

When you are at the website, you can surf through the many resources that can assist in management of your loan. You can be able to access the summary of your loan and check more pieces of information in case necessary that include the loan balance, accrued interest, the last payment received and the tax-deductible interest paid of your loans. Nonetheless, payments can be made with ease by choosing a suitable payment scheme concerning your situation and needs.

In conclusion, the site provides a special section referred to as the Financial IQ that gives user-friendly information and tips on the ways of finance management by making great decisions. You’ll know how to design a budget or plan for spending that will secure you from issues like identity theft and make a notable credit history.


Even if Great Lakes offers flexible repayment options and reasonable rates, some borrowers still encounter difficulties in paying off debts because of several reasons like being unable to manage loans or failure to make prompt payments of their loans.

Therefore, it’s the responsibility of the borrower to settle their loan debts and avoid accruing high interests by making the correct financial decision. Nevertheless, financial institutions only give monetary assistance to the individuals, and it is the borrower’s responsibility to manage their debts and avoid being penalized by failing to follow their loan payments schedule.