Investing money can be difficult for those who aren't experienced with the process and don't know who to turn to to get help. With the added stress of mortgages and taking out loans to pay for college, most people give in and go with the first investment company they come across without shopping around and seeing what other companies are offering. Most people run into problems because they don't invest enough, diversify their investments, or allocate investments properly for a specific situation, such as sending their children to college.

However, websites like Betterment make it easy to cover these three major problems by providing assistance and tips to getting the most out of investments with reduced hassle and headaches.




Betterment is an online investment advisor that helps people plan for loans, mortgages, retirement or any other long-term goals. All that is required is the answering of a few questions, and Betterment can help to determine which investments are best for those goals. Automatic cash transfers can be scheduled every month, and Betterment will allocate the funds accordingly between the different investments, such as stocks and bonds. There is also no minimum deposit when starting an account with Betterment.

Betterment's website breaks down investment language so that is easier to understand and helps investors make more informed decisions to increase the outcome of his investments. Investments are limited to stocks and bonds, however. This can be seen as a disadvantage for those who are interested in mutual and index funds, but Betterment is designed to be simple for those who are not experienced in the ins and outs of investing. The investor is the one in charge of where his money goes, and has the choice of investment allocation at his discretion.

Once investments are chosen, the investor determines how he wants his money divided up between them. The investor is also free to change this allocation at any time, if he finds he will increase his returns on a specific kind of investment. This also increases the diversity of investments, which is much safer than concentrating on one type of investment.

Betterment also provides a free iPhone app that allows users to check their investments at any time of the day when they're not near a computer. Now where you'll go for invest worry less? Need some clearance? Click here


Most investment companies will charge fees for their services in different ways. Betterment charges fees based on how much is invested with them, and the rates go down the more money that is invested in the company. For a minimum balance of $0, the annual fee is 0.35% of the money invested, a minimum balance of $10,000 has an annual fee of 0.25%, and a minimum balance of $100,000 has an annual fee of 0.15%. However, even with a minimum balance of $0, the minimum deposit of $100 per month still incurs a very small fee. This saves a lot more money that can be invested for the future.


Finding an investment company that has your best financial interests, both in the present and in the future, does not have to become a chore if you shop around and do a bit of research.