With the cost of a college education reaching record highs, it is no wonder that college graduates are burdened by huge amounts of debt. In addition to the high cost of living for most students, there is also the additional expenses associated with student loans. Ready For Zero has created a tool that will help recent graduates pay off their student loans in a timely manner and avoid the penalties that can occur as the result of non-payment.
How Can Ready For Zero Help College Graduates?
This comprehensive website allows college graduates to input all of their monthly expenses into the online tracking tool, including credit cards and student loans after creating a free profile. One the login information for any open accounts is provided, Ready For Zero imports all of the information and helps graduates personalize a payment plan that will work for their budget.
How Are The Payments Calculated?
Although the payment amounts of student loans are calculated by the lenders, Ready For Zero can help recent graduates pay off student loans more quickly.
- The amount applied to the principal and the interest are calculated, allowing graduates to see just how much of their monthly payment is being used to pay down the loan.
- Payment amounts are suggested that will allow more of the payment to be applied to the student loan principal.
- With the payment of even a few extra dollars a month, recent college graduates can save thousand of dollars in interest over the life of the loan. This in turn allows student loans to be paid off more quickly.
- The same principle can be applied to credit card payments or mortgages, and Ready For Zero can help college graduates personalize their budget to get the most out of their dollars.
Is Ready For Zero Easy to Use?
Once a free profile has been created, the only thing to do is enter login information for all financial accounts; Ready For Zero does the rest. All entries use bank-level security to assure users that their information remains private, and within a few moments they can see their entire financial picture in one place. For iPhone users, there is also a mobile app so information can be accessed anywhere. It only takes a few minutes each week or month to keep track of finances and see exactly where each payment is going and how long it will take to become debt free.
What Else Does Ready For Zero Offer?
For a small monthly fee, Ready For Zero offers users the option of scheduling payments right from the website or mobile app. It also tracks monthly income and suggests larger payments if additional cash flow is detected. In addition, it helps coincide monthly payments with bi-weekly paychecks. Instead of having one large payment due on a certain date every month, the payment can be split into two. This often helps make meeting financial obligations easier.
No matter what the circumstances, Ready For Zero has been proven to help recent college graduates pay their student loans more quickly, and helps set them up for a future that is free of debt.
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