Trying to find a loan consolidation company can be difficult, if you don't know where to look. Different consolidation lenders provide different benefits and payments schemes for students, depending on their economic hardship and credit score. With the daunting task of paying off multiple loans, consolidating is the best choice most students have to avoid going into default.
Here are some of the top loan consolidation companies to consider.
Credit Union Student Loan Consolidation provides benefits to their debtors, as long as students fulfill certain requirements before they can start borrowing. The student must have graduated from EdSucceed eligible school within the past five years, he must have steady employment that earns him roughly $2000 a month, have an annual income that is more than the loan being sought, and be a U.S. citizen.
Once these are fulfilled, a student can have his payments simplified, make lower interest payments for 4 years, and cosigners can be released from liability under certain conditions.
Student Loan Network Consolidation is one of the best first steps that can be taken, as they serve as the middle man between student and consolidation lenders. If a student is new to the process of taking out loans, the Student Loan Network Consolidation can explain the differences between federal loans and private loans, and help students get on the right track to find a loan that is right for them.
Wells Fargo provides both fixed rate and variable options on their loan consolidation, providing the student with the choice. Wells Fargo also provides lower interest rates if the student sets up automatic payments on his loans, as well as a lower interest rate if there are multiple services with Wells Fargo.
Chase student loan consolidation allow for students to borrow up to the cost of attendance, and the amount being borrowed goes directly to the institution itself. Chase's consolidated loans also have no origination or repayment fees, putting more money in the student's pocket to repay on the loan itself.
However, Chase only provides private loan consolidation to lenders and has ceased to provide consolidation for federal loans.
NextStudent has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau, which means that they have to adhere to strict rules on customer support and service. NextStudent can also help students find scholarships they might be qualified for, which can make it easier on the student's money reserves. NextStudent provides consolidation for both federal and private loans, as well as the ability to make loan payments online. This makes it easier for the student to keep up-to-date on his payments, as well as how much is left on his balance.
Cedar Education Lending Consolidation works exclusively in consolidating private loans, and also provides many benefits, such as cosigner release and 4 years of interest-only repayment. However, there is an origination fee of 1% to initially start up the account. Cedar has been known to help students transform their loans with high variable interest rates into loans that are more manageable and affordable.
When considering consolidation, it's good to do some research and see which companies are available, as well as which can provide you with the most benefits.
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