Here are the best articles from around the web this week talking about student loans…
For the week ending Friday March 15, 2013
Student Loan News:
1. Student loan debt continues to rise:
Jessica Schulte has Bright Futures, grant money and two jobs, but she still has to take out about $6,000 in loans each semester. Schulte, a 22-year-old UF environmental science senior, said she has about $25,000 in loan debt. “I’m honestly scared to look at the real amount,” she said. Student debt has tripled in the past eight years, according to a new report from the New York Federal Reserve. The increase includes factors such as more people attending college, students taking longer to graduate and students attending graduate school. More info:
2. A hidden hazard of private student loans:
(MoneyWatch) Here is one of the biggest risks of taking out a private student loan that most people never think about: It's extremely difficult to refinance. Borrowers are typically unable to refinance private college loans, especially given that their credit history is often thin or nonexistent. Even when people with student loans have found great jobs and have established excellent credit histories, few if any lenders will consider lowering their rates through refinancing. Know more :
3. How the student loan crisis is hurting home prices:
Pity the college graduate, burdened with shocking levels of student-loan debt and looking for a job in the worst employment market in two decades. But save a little pity for the rest of us. The staggering amount of outstanding student debt nearly $1 trillion owed is beginning to impede the U.S. economy as a whole, a new report from the New York Federal Reserve suggests, chiefly by robbing the housing market of its richest crop of new buyers: young college graduates. Visit:
Student Loan Blog Posts:
1. Measuring the Effects of Student Loans:
Take a recent article called “Gender, Debt, and Dropping out of College“, published in Gender and Society, which made a small wave in access-conscious circles a couple of weeks ago. Using data form the 1997 US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, this article made two claims: first, that debt was positively correlated to completion up until a certain level of debt, after which the relationship reverses itself somewhat (though the relationship remains at all times positive); and, second, that this effect was greater among men than women – that is, at any given level of debt, the positive effect on graduation was more pronounced among women than men. Read more:
2. Student Loan Debt, Tuition Climb As College Graduate Earnings Drop (INFOGRAPHIC):
The February jobs report released Friday showed the unemployment rate at 7.7 percent, its lowest level in four years. Job gains were better than expected in the last snapshot of the job market before the federal spending sequester began on March 1. Employment rose for college graduates as it did for most people but not fast enough to keep up with growth in the college-educated work force, leaving this group with a slight net rise in unemployment. Learn more:
3. We The Taxpayers Are On The Hook For Mortgages, Student Loans, Banks:
There’s a long op-ed in The Wall Street Journal this morning about how the government has effectively nationalized the mortgage industry, the student loan industry and banking. It’s disturbing. The article notes that for the first time in a few years Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac don’t need federal bailouts, but that’s about the only good news.
The disturbing thing about this rosy scenario is that the entire home mortgage industry—not only Fannie and Freddie—has been effectively nationalized. True, there are still lots of private banks and mortgage companies generating and servicing mortgages, so the government doesn't “own” the whole industry. But the government (or the lucky half of the population who pay income taxes) now owns most of the risks. Details here: Around The Web:
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