List of the Best Student Loan Consolidation Companies for 2014
Student Loans are so great when you get them. They enable you to go to school and focus on your studies. You study hard and see a panorama of possibilities, a bright future indeed. After graduation you are so relieved that all the stressful demands of school are over- the late nights up studying, the tedious assignments, and the pressure of deadlines. At some point it hits you, often like a ton of bricks, maybe the hard part isn’t over, maybe it is still to come. School is just the beginning; it just preceded the real world. You have now made it to the real world, and now you have to pay back all the money you spent on school to get here. […]
6 Best Private Student Loan Companies For 2013-2014 School Year
1. CU Student Loans Consolidation The EdSucceed Private Student Loan Consolidation that is being given by cu consists of many of the benefits offered by the other companies. These benefits are such as a repayment program of 15 years, an interest only option of 4 years and 12 consecutive on time co-signer release. Some of the requirements are such as a salary of $2,000 monthly and income for the co-signer that can be verified. […]
Private Student Loan Consolidation Companies For 2013-2014 School Year
Consolidation of loans is the course of joining numerous student loans into a one loan offered by one lender. Here are the private student loan consolidation companies for 2013-2014 school year. 1. cuStudent Loans This private student loan program consists of more than 140 non-profit credit unions across the entire United States of America. The program comprises of the cuScholar private student loan and cuGrad private loan consolidation, which offer refinancing options, and alternative loan that is competitive for students and recent graduates. […]
Is A Student Loan Consolidation Right For You?
When you graduate from college and have to take a hard look at the debt accrued over your years as a college student, you might feel like it is a frightening prospect. This is especially true if you have struggled to find a job in a failing economy and have reached the end of any forbearance or deferment periods. At this time, you might be wondering how you are going to make your student loan payments, and whether student loan consolidation is right for you. […]
Times When Student Loan Consolidation is a Bad Idea
Thinking of consolidating your student loans? Believe it or not loan consolidation can be good for some but not for all. Certain factors must be in place before you should even consider this consolidation. Below, we’ve detailed some exact instances when student loan consolidation is a bad idea. […]
Simple Tuition Student Loan Consolidation Review
Paying for college can be difficult for someone who isn't employed and is facing the ever increasing costs of tuition and college living. Lenders and loan consolidation companies are always looking for new ways to make it easier for students to pay off their loans, such as eliminating origination fees and cosigner release from the original debt. However, Simple Tuition is one of the few loan consolidation companies that makes it even easier for students to pay off their loans without bringing themselves closer and closer to bankruptcy. […]