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So far Sam R has created 23 blog entries.

What’s Your Return on Investment?

Why did you choose the field of study that you are in? Did you choose it because you really like the field or because you were expecting to make a lot of money? Well you should know that a lot of different careers are actually going to take you several years to make any money [...]

By |November 18th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What’s Your Return on Investment?

Why Make Loan Payments During Deferment?

When you take out a student loan you actually get a short period of deferment. That means that there’s a period of time when you don’t need to make payments on the loan. This is the entire time that you’re still in school and also usually about six months after you stop attending at least part time. You aren’t required to do much of anything during this time because the federal government understands that you don’t have the money you need to pay for school or your loan. Of course after this time you are required to pay (though there are some circumstances where loans may be forgiven which you can check out right here). […]

By |November 11th, 2014|Pay Off Student Loans|Comments Off on Why Make Loan Payments During Deferment?

How to Avoid Student Loans

Now for most people it’s nearly impossible to entirely avoid student loans. If you want to get a degree from any higher university (unless you’re the valedictorian or the football star) you’re going to need to pay a lot of money and it’s more difficult to get scholarships for that higher amount. So what are you going to do? Well you’re probably going to end up with a subsidized or unsubsidized loan like we’ve talked about before. But that doesn’t mean you need to use loans for the entire amount. There are still ways to avoid them as much as possible. […]

By |November 4th, 2014|Scholorships|Comments Off on How to Avoid Student Loans

What’s The Difference Between Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans?

When I first started out in college I had no idea about all the different types of loans. To be perfectly honest I really didn’t know much of anything about loans except that people get them when they buy a house or a car. Even that I only knew because my sister had both. (Yes I know I wasn’t very knowledgeable when I started college). For the first couple years I had no problem paying for my classes because I had money saved up and I had a couple small scholarships. After that I realized I was going to have to get a loan. […]

By |November 4th, 2014|Federal Loans|Comments Off on What’s The Difference Between Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans?

What Could You Do With That Loan Money?

If you didn’t have to pay back your student loans there are a lot of things that you could do. In fact, you might be surprised at just how much that money is going to add up to be. For example, did you know that the average student will have to pay back around $183 every month to pay their student loans within 20 years? That’s a lot of money borrowed and it’s actually going to amount to over $18,000 worth of interest being paid. What could you do with that money? […]

By |November 2nd, 2014|Federal Loans|Comments Off on What Could You Do With That Loan Money?

How Do Most American Families Pay For College?

How did you pay for your college degree? It may seem strange but there are actually a number of different methods that you can use to pay those tuition and book payments and different families throughout the country do it slightly differently. Personally, I had to take out student loans myself. I had some scholarships that helped in my first few years and I did get some government assistance during other years. I also had some money saved up. The largest portion of my payment however, came from student loans which I had to take out in my name. If you're considering the ways that American families pay for college then check out these. […]

By |October 21st, 2014|Student Loans|Comments Off on How Do Most American Families Pay For College?

What if You Can’t Afford Repayment?

If you can’t afford to repay your loans you’re going to want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to stay on top of it. You need to understand what happens when you don’t pay your student loans. This is going to require you to make payments in one of several ways, the traditional way, or one described below. It’s also going to be important that you understand how to avoid going into default (that period of time when you simply stop paying your loans without making arrangements with the government). […]

By |October 14th, 2014|Default|Comments Off on What if You Can’t Afford Repayment?

What Should You Do With Your Student Loan?

Just about anyone who goes beyond community college (and even some that only do community college) will need to get a student loan. These loans will likely be for different amounts but you can still get that loan. You’ll also have an opportunity to get different amounts for your loan as well. You can choose [...]

By |October 7th, 2014|Federal Loans|Comments Off on What Should You Do With Your Student Loan?

How Do Student Loans Work

Now I know this site has probably thrown a lot of information at you about student loans and how you can avoid paying them and what helps you get loan forgiveness and things like that. This is going to go back to the basics a little bit and help you understand student loans a little better. It’s going to help you see what that loan does for you in the first place so you’ll know why you might actually want to get one (even without knowing how to get out of paying it later). […]

By |September 30th, 2014|Applying for Loans|Comments Off on How Do Student Loans Work

A New Start With Rolling Jubilee

For many students loan debt is a very real problem. I know that when I finished my bachelor’s degree program I had thousands of dollars’ worth of debt. By the time I finish my master’s degree I will have even more. Unfortunately, the payback programs are difficult to stick to. If you don’t get a job in your field right away it can become an insurmountable obstacle to you being able to do the things you want with your life. After all, how are you going to get a house or a car or anything else if you have all that debt? Even getting a credit card is more difficult with debt. […]

By |September 30th, 2014|Forgiveness|Comments Off on A New Start With Rolling Jubilee