Best Consolidation Companies

See reviews of the best private student loan consolidation companies for 2015!

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3 Lenders for Student Loans Without Cosigner

For students who need loans to finance their education, a hurdle they often face is finding a cosigner.  A cosigner is a person who signs your loan in addition to you, meaning they are also responsible for repayment if you are unable to fulfill your obligations.  Many lenders require a cosigner for borrowers who have limited, nonexistent, or bad credit histories. […]

By |January 13th, 2014|Types of Loans|0 Comments

Alaska Student Loans

In addition to federal student loans, most states in the US offer their own financial aid.  In Alaska, the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE) oversees all state-level student loan services.  These loans are meant to take care of educational costs when federal aid, grants, and scholarships fall short. There are three main types of student loans given by the state of Alaska: […]

By |January 6th, 2014|Student Loans|0 Comments

How To Get Student Loan Bankruptcy

We read that student loans are not forgivable in bankruptcy court all the time. That is the truth for 99% of student loan holders who are filing bankruptcy. Bankruptcy courts are not forgiving of student loans.   But there have been cases where the borrowers have shown “undue hardship” in repayment of the loans in severe circumstances. One case was of a man who suffered a brain injury and could not work. He filed bankruptcy and the court found that he was not ever going to be able to pay back the loan, much less be able to support himself. Another case cited was of a homeless woman, well educated, but in a situation where she would not be able to pay back the loan. So, unless you are physically unable to work and can not see a foreseeable future to be able to pay back the loan, it is unwise to file for bankruptcy. […]

By |December 5th, 2013|Bankruptcy|0 Comments

Best Way To Avoid Student Loan Default

Do we really have to say it? The best way to avoid student loan default is to pay the loan off. But how to plan for it? So how can you avoid a student loan default from the onset?   Understand Your Needs and Your Loan Figure out exactly how much you are going to need. Include whatever you can’t cover yourself by whatever income you have coming in; then borrow no more than that amount. Do not accept a higher amount offered; it tends to get you in trouble. Then look at your loan documents carefully and make the best choice for you. This is a legal document that you have to live up to for some time. Understand the refinance options, the monthly payment, the rate, and when the repayment plan starts. […]

By |November 28th, 2013|Default|0 Comments

5 Ways to Pay for College

Aspiring students know that a college education is considered valuable in business, but getting a degree can cost tens of thousands of dollars – money most young adults do not have.  Before blindly signing off on a complicated loan or deciding to forgo college altogether, investigate your options.  There is a variety of ways to get money for school, including loans, scholarships, and other methods you may not have considered. […]

By |November 18th, 2013|Scholorships|0 Comments

Apply Early For Student Loans To Meet Application Deadlines

When it comes to applying for student loans the application deadline is everything. One might think proof of salary and the Estimated Family Contribution are the most important. While the EFC and Cost of Attendance are obviously very important for awarding financial aid, these figures will not even be calculated unless you get the application in on time. The major mistake that people make is applying for financial aid only after they’ve been accepted at college. After all, how can you calculate the Cost of Attendance if you are not certain where you will be attending? You can still calculate the Cost of Attendance without being accepted to a school. It is important to organize financial aid information at the same time as you are deciding on where to apply. […]

By |September 12th, 2013|Applying for Loans|0 Comments

Romance while you still have student loans?

Everyone needs someone to love, even when you’re broke! Seriously, people must ask themselves, can I have a relationship while having student loans? I know it sounds crazy but it’s a valid question for so many different reasons. Hopefully by the end of this writing, you can make a good decision on your personal situation. […]

By |August 27th, 2013|Default|0 Comments

3 Things Your Financial Aid Advisor Isn’t Telling You

Every college in the nation has a financial aid department with people ready and willing to assist. They help guide students and their parents through the process of filling out paperwork and such. Although they do provide much information, financial aid advisors may be missing some crucial bits of info that may cause adverse effects on a student’s post college life. I’ve detailed 3 glaring examples of places where financial advisors may be lacking. […]

By |August 20th, 2013|Refinance|0 Comments

How To Get a Car Loan While You Have Student Loans (2 options – or local dealer)

Sometimes it is not easily possible to have a car loan when you already have a student loan. Traditionally, banks would not be willing to give loans to college students. The reason is obvious- the payment of the loan from a college student can be an uncertain thing, as college students may not have permanently reliable and big sources of credit or income. […]

By |August 19th, 2013|Weekly Resources|0 Comments

Bridging The Gap: Grad Plus Loan

If you're researching a Grad PLUS Loan (Graduate Student PLUS Loan), chances are you know the major change that occurred recently: students themselves are now eligible for the loan which previously was available only to parents of undergraduate students. The Grad PLUS Loan helps to bridge the gap between financial aid awarded to a student and outstanding costs of attendance he or she might have. Though it's available directly to the student borrower now, it's only awarded to graduate and professional school students. […]

By |August 15th, 2013|Grants|0 Comments